Pasture Raised

Pastured Poultry Nutrition Highlights

Compared to non-pastured chicken and eggs, pasture raised chicken and eggs have the following nutritional benefits:

Pasture Raised Chicken:

  • 91% more Omega 3 fatty acids

  • 52% less saturated fats

  • 407% more Vitamin E

We are a local poultry farm.  We are in Myersville, MD.  All our chicken is pasture raised.  They do not receive any antibiotics, hormones, or steroids.  We give our chickens Non-GMO feed.  They live out on grass, and they are moved daily.

We want to provide a healthy, nutrient dense chicken.  We want to provide a high-quality product by focusing on both the chicken and the land.  Our process also incorporates regenerative farming. 

Regenerative farming leads to more resilient soils. Healthier soils generate strong yields and nutrient-rich crops. Ultimately these practices increase soil diversity and organic matter.

In addition to raising healthier chicken, we are committed to improving the land by incorporating regenerative agriculture.



The chicks arrive one day old. They get picked up at the post office and are transported to the Brooder. They are provided a clean warm environment with food and water.


Moved to Pasture

After 2-3 weeks, the chickens are transitioned out to pasture. They are moved into their rangers. They are protected from predators and also provided shade. Each day they are moved to fresh grass. The chickens have fresh water. They are given non-GMO feed. They never receive any antibiotics, hormones or steroids! They have room to forage, scratch, eat bugs & worms.

The Land

This process of moving daily helps both the birds and the land. It is a balance of the right amount of disturbance from the chickens and enough time for the land to recover. This is a form of regenerative farming. The chickens peck and scratch the ground and also provide fertilizer. Then the ground is then left alone for weeks for it to recover. This process helps the soil. It increases organic matter, and ultimately helps create stronger yields.